I personally thrive on interesting: interesting colors, patterns, foods, cultures, places, and people.

Whether describing a new café with bold wallpaper, antique décor, and a perfectly served latte, or a new co-worker with a large, but fabulously sassy personality makes life interesting. Living and experiencing moments that can be merely described as awkward, out of the ordinary, exceptional, eclectic, and unique is the key to having a full rich life. When I’m not shaping young minds as a teacher, I seek out cultural events and enriching experiences that make me feel in awe and inspired to be better and do better in my personal life, my academia, and within my career.

It is my hope that this blog will hold me accountable to continue searching for the peculiar, unconventional, and awe-inspiring. My “spunk and spice” entries will be fashioned around my weekend encounters and happenings near and around Pennsylvania and New York, and feature niceties about local eateries, lounges/ bars, events, and other comings and goings in Scranton, PA my current residence, and Binghamton, NY, my hometown.

Alas, remember to always keep your life spicy and full of spunk!

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