Love Local

Shop local.
Spend local.
Enjoy local.
Support local.

We’ve all heard it before, but unfortunately we don’t all live the lifestyle of supporting local. Why?

Is it because of preconceived notions that corporate stores are more cost effective? Is it out of convenience? Is it because consumers are under the impression that corporate stores and chain restaurants produce good food and reliable products? Is it carelessness or ignorance? Or do some consumers just like to just stay in their comfort zones?

Shopping local and supporting local is a lifestyle, and perhaps consumers are unaware of all the good that can come from supporting small local businesses.

Small businesses stimulate the local economy and strengthen partnerships in the community. Local businesses create and foster strong relationships in the community between small businesses, community leaders, and school districts. In addition, many small businesses support local philanthropic organizations/events, generating community awareness.

Studies have shown, when a consumer buys local, significantly more of that money stays in the community. One study found that for every $100 spent at a local business, $68 remained in the city while only $43 of each $100 spent at a chain retailer. Small businesses typically work with local community banks creating a self-sustaining economic ecosystem that benefits all parties involved and generates capital that stays in the community. Local businesses usually support each other by acquiring ingredients, supplies, and collaborating on projects together. Such as restaurants utilizing local organic produce, beer from local microbreweries, and coffee from local artisanal roasters.

Another perk of shopping local is you get a chance to know small business owners and they get a chance to know you—there’s a personal commitment to customer service, and a transparent channel of communication as opposed to dealing with faceless multinational corporations.

So go out and explore your community and try something new!